місто Южноукраїнськ. Южноукраїнська Гімназія № 1



Англійська мова

2013-2014 н.рік


Керівник Пелюх Юлія Юріївна


Учасники осередку очно – дистанційної школи

Секція іноземної мови ( англійська):

- куратор – Пелюх Юлія Юріївна;

- учні: Бикова Євгенія – 4 Б; Добровольський Артем – 4-Б; Токмакова Еліна – 4 – Б.


8 клас


Аудіювання, 8 клас. Текст

Round I.  Listening Comprehension. Text           

What goes around comes around

One day a man saw an old lady on the side of the road. He could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out.

Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn’t look safe; he looked poor and hungry.

He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt.

He said, “I’m here to help you, ma’am. Why don’t you wait in the car where it’s warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.”

Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car.  The ground was wet and cold but soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt.

As he was finishing his work, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn’t thank him enough for coming to help her.

The lady asked how much she owed him. But Bryan just smiled. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need. He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance they needed, and Bryan added, “And think of me.”

He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home.

A few miles down the road the old lady saw a small cafe. She went inside to eat something and to have a warm drink.  The waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan.

After the lady finished her meal, she paid with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, but the old lady went away. The waitress wondered where the lady could be. Then she noticed something written on the napkin.

There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: “You don’t owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you.”

Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.

That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it?

She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, “Everything’s going to be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson.”


Аудіювання,  8 клас

Listening Comprehension Test.

Завдання 1.  Task 1


Statements 1 through 10 (on your Answer Sheet put down + if the statement is true, - if it is false):

  1. One day a man saw an old lady on the side of the road who needed help.
  2. The old lady was happy to see the man when he came up to her.
  3. The man looked happy and rich.
  4. For an old lady flat tire is a problem.
  5. The old lady told the man a lot about herself.
  6. She paid him for the work he did.
  7. The man was very sad that day.
  8. The old lady drove straight home.
  9. The waitress who worked in the café was poor but nice.
  10. The waitress was Bryan’s wife.


Аудіювання, 8 клас. Listening Comprehension Test.

Завдання 2. Task 2

Questions 11 through 20 (choose the correct letter a, b or c):

  1. Who was driving the Mercedes?
  1. Bryan Anderson             
  2. the old lady                     
  3. both of them
  1. Who stopped to help the lady with the problem?
  1. Nobody               
  2. Only Bryan                     
  3. Bryan and his wife
  1. What problem did the old lady have?
  1. She had run out of  petrol                      
  2. She didn’t know the way           
  3. She had a flat tire
  1. Was it difficult for Bryan to help the old lady?
  1. Yes, because the problem with the car was very serious.
  2. Yes, because it was cold and wet that day.
  3. No, because the problem with the car was not serious.
  1. Why didn’t Bryan take the money?
  1. He didn’t do the job.
  2. The old lady didn’t want to pay him.
  3. He thought it was helping to somebody in need and not making money.
  1. Where did the lady go on her way home?
  1. To a restaurant
  2. To a small café
  3. To a gas station
  1. What did the old lady think of the waitress?
  1. She was poor but nice and giving.
  2. She was beautiful and giving.
  3. She was rude but beautiful.
  1. How did the old lady give the message to the waitress?
  1. She wrote it on a piece of paper.
  2. She wrote it on a napkin.
  3. She sent her an email.
  1. When did the waitress return home?
  1. In the afternoon.
  2. At night.
  3. In the morning.
  1. What is the main idea of the text?
  1. If we are good to people they will be good to us.
  2. We should never help strangers.
  3. Helping strangers can be dangerous.
Читання, 8 клас


ROUND  II. Reading Comprehension Test.


Text 1                                                      A  London Fog

It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a foot or so. Buses, cars and taxis were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road. People were trying to find their way on foot but were losing their way in the fog. Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no one could take him. He tried to walk there but got lost. Suddenly he bumped into a stranger. The stranger asked if he could help him. Mr. Smith said he wanted to get to the Houses of Parliament. The stranger told him he would take him there. Mr. Smith thanked him and they started to walk there. The fog was getting thicker every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the way. He went  along one street, turned into another, crossed a square and at last after about half an hour’s walk they arrived at the Houses of Parliament. Mr. Smith couldn’t understand how the stranger found his way. “Is it wonderful”? he said.  “How do you find the way in this fog?”

“It is no trouble at all to me,” said the stranger. “I am blind.”


Decide if the sentences are true (+) or false (-):

  1. The fog was very thick and people could see far.
  2. Buses, cars and taxis were standing in the middle of the road.
  3. Mr. Smith had an appointment of great importance at the House of Commons.
  4. Mr. Smith knew the man who helped him to get to the Houses of Parliament.
  5. The man who helped Mr. Smith couldn’t see.
Читання, 8 клас


Reading Comprehension Test.

Questions 6 through 10 refer to Text 2.


Text 2                                           The moving stones

These big stones leave long tracks behind them. The long tracks show that the stones have moved along the ground. But how do they move? Scientists have tried to answer this question for the last  50 years.

These famous moving stones are in Death Valley, USA. Many of the stones are small but a few of them are very big. Some of the big stones are as big as a man. The biggest stones weigh 350 kilograms. They are heavier than four men!

The stones only move at night and only once every year or two. Nobody has ever seen them moving, but now scientists know the answer to the question.

The answer is the wind. When the wind comes from the west, the stones move to the east. When the wind is from the south, they always move to the north. But how can the wind move a stone that weighs 350 kilograms?

This answer is more complicated. Death Valley is one of the hottest places in the world, but it can be very cold at night. Sometimes there are bad storms in the night. Rain falls, and the hard ground becomes soft and wet. The wind is very strong and cold. The water on the ground changes to very thin ice. Then the strong wind can move flat stones along the flat ground. In the morning, the sun comes up and dries the ground.


Task  2: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b or c):

6.…..of the moving stones are very heavy.

  1. All              b) Some                      c)None

7.    They …….move the same way as the wind.

  1. always        b) sometimes              c)never

8.  The …… longer and more difficult.

  1. second answer is   b) first question is       c) bigger stones are

9.  The nights are ……..

  1. never stormy          b) hot in the day time c)  sometimes very cold and wet

10.  The wind can move stones because the ground is…..

  1. soft and wet          b) flat and icy             c) hot and dry
Читання, 8 клас


Reading Comprehension Test.

Questions 11 through 15 refer to Text 3.


Text 3                                How can animals live in a desert?

There is almost no water in a desert, but many animals can live in deserts. How do these animals get water and stay alive?

Everything is hot and dry in the daytime, but the nights are cold. Plants often have dew on them in the early morning. This is because cold air can’t hold as much water as hot air. Small insects can drink the dew, and bigger animals eat the plants with the dew on them.

Small birds and animals get water from the bodies of insects. Bigger birds and animals get water from the bodies of small animals. There is a North American bird which is called a roadrunner. It runs fast and catches small snakes, lizards and scorpions.

Most big animals can’t live in the desert because they need a few liters of water every day. They can’t keep water in their bodies for a long time. But camels are different. They can drink 90 liters of water in ten minutes, and then drink nothing for a week.


Task  3: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b or c):

  1. Deserts are places with…….
  1. no animals             b) a lot of plants                     c) not much water


  1. It is …… in the desert.
  1. always hot             b) cold at night                       c) usually wet in the daytime


  1. Insects can drink when……. 
  1. there is dew           b) the sun goes down             c) bigger animals eat


14. Roadrunners get water when they ……..

  1. eat small animals   b) catch insects                       c)find plants


15. Most big animals ………water every day.

  1. do not drink          b) need some                          c) drink 90 liters of
Творча  письмова робота, 8 клас          


ROUND  III. Writing Comprehension Test.


In this Test you will select from the three tasks written on the board one which you feel you are most capable to write about. You will then begin writing your essay on the pages provided. When you are finished close your papers, lay down your pen and wait for us to collect your test materials.


  1. Friendship divides our sorrows and multiplies our joys.
  2. My experience in learning English.
  3. The brightest memories of my childhood.
Усне мовлення, 8 клас. 


ROUND  IV.  Speaking Comprehension Test.


In this Test you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic. The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.


  1. You want to make new e-pals. Tell about yourself, your interests and hobbies.


  1. What city in Ukraine would you like to visit? What are you going to do there? Where are you going to go?


  1. Your friend is calling you to congratulate you on your birthday. You had your birthday party yesterday. Tell him about it.


  1.  You are at an international summer camp. Tell your new friends about the main sights of your native city or village.


  1. Describe your favourite season and explain why you like it.


  1. Your friend has suggested that you should  join some sports club. Persuade him that the best kind of sport is your favourite.


  1. Describe your best friend. What qualities or characteristics do you like in a best friend?


  1. Pets are important members of the family. Do you agree? Why or why not?


  1. Do you have any special holidays in your family? What is special about them?


  1. You were invited by a friend of yours to visit a holiday in a foreign country. What do you know about holidays in this country?


  1.  “My house is my castle”. Do you agree with this proverb? Describe the place you live in.


  1.  Books are our friends and teachers. Prove this.


  1. You have just come back from a trip to Great Britain. Share your impressions with your classmates.


  1. Tell your friends why you are learning English.


  1. You were told to make a report about your favourite English writer.


  1. During your stay in Britain you have to make a report about Ukraine.


  1. You have a new e-pal. Tell him about Ukrainian customs and traditions.


  1. What day of your life brought you the sweetest memories? Why?


  1. You are participating in a student conference. Tell about your school and school traditions.


  1. What can we do to make our planet a better place to live in?
9 клас


Аудіювання, 9 клас. Текст


Round I.  Listening Comprehension. Text           



Weather has a powerful effect on people. It influences health, intelligence, and feelings.

In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. Southerners have heart attacks and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states tend to have heart attacks after the weather changes in February or March.

The weather can also affect intelligence. For example, in a 1938 study by scientists, the IQ [intelligence quotient] scores of a group of undergraduate college students were very high during a hurricane, but after the storm, their scores were 10 per cent below average. Hurricanes can increase intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can lower it: Students in many of the United States often do badly on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).

Weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel depressed during cold weather. In hot summer weather, on the other hand, overweight people may feel unhappy. The summer heat may make them tired and irritable.

Low air pressure relaxes people. It increases positive feelings. It also increases forgetfulness. People leave more packages and umbrellas on buses and in stores on low-pressure days. There is a "perfect weather" for work and health. People feel best at a temperature of about 64° F with 65 percent humidity (moisture in the air).

Are you feeling sick, sad, tired, forgetful, or very intelligent today? The weather may be the cause.


Аудіювання,  9 клас


Listening Comprehension Test.


Завдання 1.  Task 1


Statements 1 through 10 (on your Answer Sheet put down + if the statement is true, - if it is false):

1. People normally are very sensitive to weather.

2. In the South of the US doctors usually have a lot of work in late spring.

3. Weather changes may cause serious health problems.

4. A storm may produce a negative effect on intelligence.

5. In the US, it is best to take exams in late summer.

6. Temperature may affect people's feelings.

7. Fat people must feel quite comfortable in July.

8. Low air pressure may be helpful.

9. The best time to remember important things is days of high air pressure.

10. Only people with chronic diseases are influenced by weather.


Аудіювання, 9 клас.


Listening Comprehension Test.


Завдання 2. Task 2


Questions 11 through 20 (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d ):


11. The hottest and wettest time of the year in the south of the US is...

a) early summer;                                 b)  late spring;

c) late summer;                                   d) midsummer.


12. There is no such region in the US as ..;

a) Middle West;                                 b) Middle East;

c) Northeast;                                      d) South.


13. The best climatic condition for taking a. test is probably ...

a) drought; .                                       b) flood;

c) blizzard;                                         d) very strong wind.


14. The worst exam results in the US are very often produced ...

  1. at the very beginning of a school year;
  2. before a winter break;
  1. after Easter holidays;
  2. when the temperature outside is very high.


15. Weather normally does NOT affect people's ...

a) perception of the world;                b) resistance to heat and cold;

c) thinking abilities;                            d) appearance.


16. When air pressure is low, you are most likely to ...

a) feel well;                                        b) quarrel with your friend;

c) pass a test;                                      d) find an umbrella.


  1. A large number of forgotten things in a bus may most probably mean that...

a) the bus driver is to blame;              b) the air pressure is not high at all;

c)  all the passengers were fools;        d) the bus tour was too long.


  1. The best working conditions for humans imply...
  1. about one third water in the air;
  2. about two thirds water in the air;                 
  3. about three thirds water in the air;
  4. almost no water in the air.


19. What was NOT mentioned in the text as a result of weather influence is ...

a) heart problems;                               b) irritability;

c) accidental injuries;                         d) low spirits.


  1. The best title for this text most probably would be ...
  1. "Beware of Weather";   
  2. "What is the weather like today?"
  3. "The Powerful Influence of Weather";
  4. "Some Funny Tales About Weather".
Читання, 9 клас

ROUND II.  Reading Comprehension Test.

Text 1.                                                     Love a Dog   

I did not rush into getting a dog of my own. Despite the happy dogs of my youth, I wasn't sure about the commitment. What about those spontaneous trips out of town? What about vet bills and sleeping late and going for walks in the pounding, freezing rain? It seemed like a level of adulthood I wasn't ready for yet.

Oh, nobody's ready. It's just that one day you're walking through the park not even thinking about a dog, but there she is, the giant ears, the bright eyes, the tail that wags a full 75 per cent of her body. In an instant, all those solid reasons become nothing more than a collection of flimsy excuses. The girl who is trying to give her away (she found the puppy by the side of the road in a snowstorm) gives her to you be­cause she is Your Dog.

Or that's how it was for me and Rosie

Like any love, it was exciting at first. I couldn't get my work done. I kept  having to stop and roll around on the floor with her. She fol­lowed me around from room to room, licking my ankles. She was small and white, maybe a cross between a Jack Russell and a Chihuahua, without the deep neurosis of either breed. If shedding were an Olympic sport, she would have brought home the gold.

Task 1: Questions 1 through 5 (on your Answer Sheet circle the correct letter A, B, C, or D):

1.   The author was hesitant to get a dog because...

A.  she is an early riser.

B.  she loves long walks.

C.  she was worried about commitment.

D.  she already has a dog.

2.   The dog in the story can be described as...

A.  small and white with giant ears.

B.  big and white with bright eyes.

C.  small and black with small ears.

D.  small and white with giant eyes.

3.   The word "exciting" can be replaced with:

A.  difficult;

B.  crazy;

C.  thrilling;

D.  loud.

4.   Which statement is FALSE?

A.  The author's work was often interrupted by the dog.

B.  The dog does not shed very much.

C.  The dog came from a girl who found it in a snowstorm.

D.  The dog was possibly a mix of two different types of dogs.

5.   The author decided to get a dog because...

A.  she could afford the vet bills.

B.  she loved having a dog when she was younger.

C.  she was lonely.

      D.  this particular dog was meant for her.

Читання, 9 клас


Reading Comprehension Test.

Questions 6 through 10 refer to Text 2.


Text 2                                                            A true story

King Louis the Eleventh was the King of France about 500 years ago. One day a young man said to the king, “I can see the future”. This was not true, but the king believed him. The young man was pleased and he hoped to get an important job. But King Louis thought, “This man knows the future, so he knows more than I know. He is dangerous and I must kill him.”

The king said to his servants, “I’m going to invite that man to have dinner with me. When he comes, watch my hand. When I lift up my hand, throw him out of the window.”

That evening the young man came to the king’s private room. The king had a smile on his face, but it was not a friendly smile. He said to the man, “You know the future, so tell me your future. When are you going to die?”

Then the young man understood his mistake. He thought quickly before he answered the king’s question. “I am going to die three days before you,” he said.

The king stopped smiling. The servants watched the king’s hand, but it did not move. The young man was safe; but he never told another lie after that.  


Task  2: Decide if the statements are true (+) or false(-).

6.  King Louis the Eleventh was the King of France about five centuries ago.

7.  One day a young man said that he could predict the future.

8.  The king was happy to have a servant who knew more than the king.

9.  The king invited the young man to have breakfast with him.

10. During their meeting the king changed his mind.


Читання, 9 клас


Reading Comprehension Test.

Statements 11 through 15 refer to Text 3

Text 3


Tornadoes occur throughout the world, but for reasons that scientists are not fully able to discern, the great majority occur in the United States. Ap­proximately 700 tornadoes a year occur within the United States, and this comprises three-quarters of the worldwide total. Most of the US tornadoes take place in the Midwest and in the southern states that border on the Gulf of Mexico. In general, a tornado cuts a path of a few hundred yards and lasts less than an hour; an average tornado might propel itself at a speed of 15 or 20 miles per hour and therefore cover a distance of 20 or so miles. Tornadoes, however, can be much worse than average. The most devastating tornado on record occurred on March 18, 1925, in the states of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana. The path of this tornado was more than 200 miles long and a mile wide. Travelling at an average speed of 60 miles per hour, the winds at the center of the storm swirled around at considerably more than 200 miles per hour. A total of 689 people died, and countless more were injured, at the hands of this killer storm.


Task  3: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d ):


11. The word "discern" in line 2 is closest in meaning to ...

a)  discuss;                                         b) understand;

c)   describe;                                       d) dedicate.


12. The annual number of tornadoes in the USA is about...

a)  700;                                               b) 734;

c)  930;                                                d)  1,400.      


13. In the US, tornadoes are least probable to occur...

a)  anywhere around the territory;      b) in the Midwest;

c)  in the southern states;                   d) in the eastern states.


14. The word "propel" in line 6 may be best replaced with...

a)  cut;                                                 b) circle;

c) move;                                              d) start.


15. An average tornado covers about...

a)  5 km;                                               b) 10 km;  

c)  20 km;                                             d) 50 km.


Творча  письмова робота, 9 клас          

ROUND  III. Writing Comprehension Test.

  1. What is it like to be a young person in Ukraine? Comment on the challenges young people face today.
  2. Knowledge is a great treasure that accompanies its owner everywhere.
  3. The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.
 Усне мовлення, 9 клас.


 ROUND IY.  Speaking Comprehension Test.


In this Test you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic. The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.

  1. Which of the members of your family do you appreciate most and why?
  2. Travelling is the best education.
  3. If you were a writer, what kind of books would you write and why?
  4. The role of TV in modern society.
  5. What is the dearest place on the Earth for you?
  6. A good specialist needs to know a foreign language. Do you agree with it?
  7. Your English friend is going to come to Ukraine. What do you like most of all about your country?
  8. If you are asked  to make a list of the most outstanding Ukrainians, what names will you include in it?
  9. What sport events would you like to talk about as a TV sports journalist?
  10. Some people want to have apartments, while others want to have private homes. What about you?
  11. What English-speaking country would you choose for visiting if you had a chance?
  12. They say  ”Good health is a great blessing.” What is your opinion?
  13. What pictures of interesting places in Kyiv would you advise your English friend to take?
  14. If you went on a very short tour to London, what places of interest would you like to see?
  15. Are you proud of your school? Which of the school subjects will be most useful in your future career.
  16. Things you prefer doing when you have free time.
  17. Describe the best summer holidays you will never forget.
  18. Do you have any special holidays in your family? What's special about them?
  19. What places of interest are worth seeing in your hometown?
  20. What do you think is to be done to stop the process of pollution?
10 клас

10th  form


How Internet Search Engines Work

The good news about the Internet and its most visible component, the World Wide Web, is that there are hundreds of millions of pages available, waiting to present information on an amazing variety of topics. The bad news about the Internet is that there are hundreds of millions of pages available, most of them titled according to the whim of their author, almost all of them sitting on servers with cryptic names. When you need to know about a particular subject, how do you know which pages to read? If you're like most people, you visit an Internet search engine.

Search engines are basically computer algorithms which help users find the specific information they’re looking for. With literally trillions of pages of information online, without effective search engines, finding anything on the Internet would be almost impossible. Different search engines work in different specific ways, but they all utilize the same basic principles.

The first thing search engines have to do in order to function is to make a local database of the Internet. Early search engines just indexed keywords and titles of pages, but contemporary search engines index all of the text on every page, as well as a great deal of other data about that page’s relation to other pages, and in some cases all or a portion of the media available on the page as well.

Search engines create these databases by performing periodic crawls of the Internet. Early search engines often required pages to be submitted to them in order to crawl them, but now most pages are found by following links from other pages. What are called software robots or spiders, computer programs built to index pages, flit from page to page, recording all of the data on the page, and following every link to new pages. Different search engines refresh their indexes at different intervals, depending on how many spiders they constantly have crawling, and how fast those spiders crawl, with some working their way through the Internet every day or two, and others only doing a periodic refresh every week or month.

How does any spider start its travels over the Web? The usual starting points are lists of heavily used servers and very popular pages. The spider will begin with a popular site, indexing the words on its pages and following every link found within the site. As the spider goes through these pages, it records the words it finds on the pages. It makes notes about how many times each word appears, whether the words are weighted in certain ways, perhaps based on size, location, or HTML markup, and decides how relevant the words are based on the links that come in to the page, and on the general context of the page.

Search engines then must weight the value of each page, and the value of each page for the words that appear on it. This is the trickiest part of what a search engine has to do, but also the most important. At the most simple level a search engine could simply keep track of every word on the page, and record that page as relevant for searches with that keyword. This wouldn't do much good for most users, however, as what is desired is the most relevant page for their search query. So different search engines come up with different ways of weighting importance.

The algorithms that various search engines use are well protected, to prevent people from specifically creating pages to get better ranks, or at least to limit the degree to which they can do that. This difference is why different search engines yield different results for the same terms. Google might determine that one page is the best result for a search term, and AltaVista might determine that same page is not even in the top 50. This is all just based on how they value inbound and outbound links, the density of the keywords they find important, how they value different placement of words, and any number of smaller factors.

The newest trend in search engines, and likely the future of search in general, is to move away from keyword-based searches to concept-based searches. In this new form of search, rather than limiting a search to the keywords the searcher inputs, the search engine tries to figure out what those keywords mean, so that it can suggest pages that may not include the exact word, but nonetheless are topical to the search. This is still a developing field, but so far seems to have a lot of potential in making searches more relevant, making the web an even easier place to find exactly what you're looking for.


Task 1. Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F)


1. The author of the Internet page has to refer its name to the subject.                             


2. Internet search engines are special sites designed to store information.                         

3. All of the search engines share fundamental concept of work.                                        


4. Contemporary search engines use more advanced methods of search.                                   


5. Early search engines used only the pages sent over to them in advance.                      


6. The process of recording lists of the words found on Web sites is called searching.   


7. All of the Internet pages are given similar ratings by the search engines.                      


8. Methods of analyzing the pages are well secured.                                                                          


9. Different spiders take different approaches in considering the significance of the page.


10. Keyword-based searches are becoming outdated.                                                            



Task 2. Choose the correct answer A, B or C


1. To find out information about different subjects on the Internet most people


A         ask their friends for advice.

B         use prompts and links from the on-line adverts.

C         refer to search engines.


2. Searching the Internet presents difficulty because


A         there is a constantly growing number of pages.

B         the servers often have unclear names.

C         the speed of the Internet traffic is low.


3. In order to work efficiently the first thing search engines have to do is


A         create an organized body of related information on Internet pages.

B         sign an agreement with the site holders in advance.

C         specify the algorithm of search with the users.


4. Contemporary search engines


A         keep an index of the words and titles they find.

B         send queries to local archives.

C         provide links to the sources of information other than in its database.


5. In this text spiders are


A         search engine software.

B         computer devices.

C         web-weaving arthropods.


6. Spiders are used in order to


A         make a web-like computer interface.

B         build and maintain a useful list of words on different Internet pages.

C         perform clearance activities on the websites.


7. Frequency of the updates on the search engines depends on


A         the number and the speed of the spiders employed.

B         the completeness of their databases.

C         the difficulty of the task they perform.


8. The result of the search is determined by


A         the approximate weight of the words on the page.

B         the amount of time required to find programs and documents.

C         the methods the engines use to value the importance of the search items.


9. In future the Internet search service


A         will suggest more pages that have the exact key word

B         will abandon the key-word based type of search in favour of concept base search.

C         will take into account the placement of keywords on the pages.


10. The newest developments  in search engine programing are aimed at


A         making online search easier and more implicate.

B         improving the connection with web page owners.

C         protecting information on the web sites.


10 th form


Beneath the city streets that travellers walk on each day dark labyrinths of underground catacombs, are passageways to the past, to a time when the ghostly tunnels served as burial grounds for millions of people.

The catacombs of Rome, which date back to the 1st Century and were among the first ever built, were constructed as underground tombs, first by Jewish communities and then by Christian communities. In Ancient Rome, it was not permitted for bodies to be buried within the city walls. So while pagans cremated their dead, Christians, who were not legally allowed to practice their religion, turned to underground cemeteries, built beneath the land owned by the city’s few rich Christian families.

The use of catacombs in Rome expanded during the 2nd and 3rd Centuries, as the illegal religion of Christianity grew in popularity. But after Christianity was legalized, funerals moved above ground, and by the 5th Century, the use of catacombs as grave sites decreased, though they were still revered as sacred sites where pilgrims would come to worship. The Rome catacombs then fell victim to pillaging by Germanic invaders around the early 9th Century. As a result, relics of Christian martyrs and saints were moved from the catacombs to churches in the city centre.

Today, travellers from all over the world visit Rome to explore its 600 km network of catacombs, spread out over five storeys underground near the Park of the Tombs of Via Latina. Dedicated to Christian saints, they are adorned with some of the earliest Christian artwork in the world, dating back to the 2nd Century, featuring paintings on the tunnel walls that depict ancient life.  

Centuries later in Paris, catacombs emerged as a creative and discreet solution  to a dire public health problem. In the late 18th century, mass graves in the now closed Saints Innocents Cemetery, were overcrowded with improperly disposed of bodies, creating unsanitary conditions that led to the spread of disease. Saint Innocents was shut down, and then the Paris police moved all the remains buried in the cemetery to an underground network of ancient limestone quarries – the now infamous Catacombs of Paris, located south of the former city gate.

The eerie tunnels -- a significant portion of which is open to the public as a museum - took on other uses over the course of history. During World War II, for instance, some sections became hideouts for French Resistance fighters, while other areas were converted by German soldiers into bunkers. Today, Paris’s nearly 300 km of catacombs lie 30m under the ground’s surface and still house the remains of around six million people.

The world’s longest network of underground tunnels, extending more than 2,400km, can be found in Odessa, Ukraine, where the catacombs were formed around the 1830s as a result of limestone mining. As in Paris, the tunnels were used as bunkers and hideouts by soldiers during World War II, and a portion of the catacombs is open to the public via the Museum of Partisan Glory.

The catacombs of Malta are designated as a World Heritage Site for their role in Paleochristian history. Carved from the rock underneath the city of Rabat, likely beginning around the 3rd Century, the tunnels show how rural family burials took place among Christian, Jewish and Pagan communities. The complex network of passageways provided graves for 1,000 people and extended over about 5,700sqkm.

In Alexandria, Egypt, the Catacombs of Kom el-Shoqafa were originally built for just one rich family around the 2nd Century, but eventually housed more 300 mummies. Open to the public, the three-story tomb about 30m under the ground, features elaborate carvings illustrating scenes from Egyptian mythology, including one relief depicting the jackal-headed god, Anubis.

revere v. feel deep respect or admiration for something

pillage v. rob (a place) using violence, esp. in wartime.


Task 1. Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F)


  1. Roman catacombs preserve early wall paintings describing the life of Christian saints.                                                                                             
  2. Early Christians cremated bodies of the dead.                                             


  1. Early Christians stopped using the catacombs as graveyards after their religion was legalized.                                                                                


  1. Rome catacombs were robbed by the invaders.                                
  2. Catacombs in Paris helped to spread infectious diseases.                        


  1. Odessa catacombs were used as a hiding place by partisans during the Second World War.                                                                                     


  1. Ancient  catacombs are open to public at present.                            


  1. Catacombs in Egypt were initially constructed for private use.         



Task 2. Choose the correct answer A, B or C


1. According to the text all of the catacombs


A       used to serve as ancient cemeteries.

B       are connected with early history of Christianity.

C       provide a great way to travel back in time and explore history.


2. It is mentioned in the text that


A       Catacombs in Malta are the longest known in the world.

B       Odessa catacombs are older than Paris catacombs.

C       Catacombs in Rome have more than one underground level.


3. Early Christians used catacombs because


A       their religion was forbidden.        

B       it was not allowed to bury the dead on the territory of the city.

C       they were owned by rich Christian families.


4. Which catacombs were used by the three religious comunities


A       in Rome and in Paris.

B       in Rome and in Malta.

C       in Rome and in Egypt.


5. In the 18th century Paris catacombs

A       were a creative ground for artists.

B       were overcrowded by the massive burials.

C       replaced traditional burying place.


6. During the Second World War catacombs in Paris served


A       partly to conceal fighters of French Resistance, partly to hide German army.

B       to prevent the refugees of concentration camps from being captured.

C       as a bunker for the French army.


7. In general, what is present day significance of the famous catacombs?


A       they provide extra burial places for millions of people.

B       they are interesting tourist attractions.

C       they are sanctuary places for modern pilgrims.


11 клас


Аудіювання, 11 клас, Текст


Round IListening  Comprehension. Text

The Birdmen


Today, it is hard for us to understand what people thought when they first heard that men had flown. Mostly, if they hadn't seen it themselves, they didn't believe it. Why, if people were foolish enough to say men could fly, the next thing they might say was that someday men would walk on the moon!

But on December 17, 1903, two men flew. They were brothers from Dayton, Ohio, and they owned a bicycle shop. They had attended school, but neither had graduated from high school. Their names were Wilbur and Orville Wright. It was not luck that made them the first people in all of history to build and fly an airplane that lifted off the ground with its own power. It was hard work and determination. Before they built the plane they studied all that was known about flying. They thought, argued, and experimented. They built a wind tunnel and tested 200 differently shaped wings. Then they drew plans and built carefully.

On that windy December day, Orville won the toss of a coin. He got to fly first, lying flat on his stomach on the wing of the kite-like biplane. Wilbur ran beside him; the plane lifted a few feet above the sand and stayed in the air for 17 seconds. The brothers took turns and flew four flights that day. The longest lasted 59 seconds. It was enough. They had flown. The men from the lifeboat station had seen them and taken a picture.

The headlines in the morning newspaper in nearby Norfolk, Virginia — the Virginian Pilot — told of the flight, although most of the details in the story were wrong. The brothers were upset about the poor reporting, but it didn't much matter: no one paid attention, and other newspapers didn't carry the story. No one understood that birds now had competition: people would soon be flying.

Orville and Wilbur went home to Dayton and set to work. They knew they could fly, but they also knew their plane needed improving. They flew around a big pasture in Ohio. Neighbors saw them and talked about the flights. In 1904 a group of newspaper reporters came to see for themselves.

Now, the Wright brothers were not daredevils. They were very methodical and precise. They did everything as well as they could. They checked and tested and checked and tested again, each time they flew. That made sense.

When the reporters arrived, the brothers were having mechanical problems with the plane. The reporters stayed two days. The Wright brothers wouldn't fly on those days; the plane wasn't ready. The reporters left. Some wrote that the Wright brothers were fakes.

One writer did stay and saw them fly. He was the editor of a special journal. A hive is a place where bees are raised for their honey. Yes, you heard that right: the first long article about the Wright brothers' flight was in a beekeepers' magazine!

In September of 1908, in Virginia, Orville showed Americans that people could fly. He lifted his plane into the air and swung around an army field one and a half times before he landed. The crowd of watchers rushed forward "screaming as loudly as they could, overwhelmed by the miracle that had taken place before their eyes".

Try to imagine that scene in 1908. For thousands and thousands of years, men and women looked at birds and dreamed that they too could lift themselves into the air. Some tried. Mythical Icarus, back in ancient days, took birds' feathers and a frame and made something like a hang glider. But when he soared into the air the sun melted the wax that held the feathers and Icarus fell into the sea. Others, who we know were real, had built gliders, or hot-air balloons that floated on the wind. What the Wrights did was different. They didn't depend on the wind. They used their intelligence to build a machine that conquered the skies. They solved the problem of flight. Now everyone believed it — people could fly!


Аудіювання, 11 клас


Listening Comprehension Test.


Завдання 1. Task 1


Statements 1 through 10 (on your Answer Sheet put down + if the statement is true, - if it is false):

  1. People have always believed that men can fly.
  2. Orville and Wilbur Wright owned a shop that sold bicycles.
  3. They were the first men to fly because they were very lucky.
  4. Orville was the first to fly because he won the toss of a coin.
  5. Orville and Wilbur were hard-working students of flight.
  6. Orville was lying flat on the wing when flying his first flight.
  7. The brothers were pleased with what the reporters wrote about their flight.
  8. The first long article about the Wright brothers' flight was in a beekeepers’ magazine.
  9. In Virginia, Orville flew around an Army field 2 times to prove he could fly.
  10. The Wright brothers' depended on the wind to help them fly their plane.

Аудіювання, 11 клас

Listening Comprehension.

Завдання 2. Task  2. Directions: Statements 11 through 20 (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):

  1. Orville and Wilbur...
    1. graduated from high school;
    2. didn't finish high school;
    3. graduated from vocational school;
    4. the article doesn't say.
  2. Their first flight was...
    1. on a sunny day;         
    2. on a snowy day;
    3. on a rainy and windy day;
    4. on a windy December day.
  3. The brothers were … about the poor reporting.
    1. upset;
    2. confused;
    3. happy;
    4. embarrassed.
  4. The Wright brothers were ...
    1. methodists;
    2. medical;
    3. methodical;
    4. merry.
  5. Orville got to fly the plane first because ...
    1. he won the coin toss;
    2. he could run faster than Wilbur;
    3. he had more courage than Wilbur had;
    4. he convinced Wilbur he should be first.
  6. The newspaper article that appeared about their first flight...
    1. was also carried by many other newspapers;
    2. pleased Orville and Wilbur very much;
    3. was talked about by everyone;
    4. had most of the details wrong.
  7. You could describe the Wright brothers as...
    1. daredevils when it came to flying;
    2. very careful about everything having to do with flying;
    3. men who enjoyed arguing with reporters;
    4. rather careless pilots..
  8. When people saw the brothers’ flight over the field, they were …
    1. screaming as loudly as they could;
    2. laughing and jumping;
    3. waving their hands;
    4. frightened and shocked.
  9. Orville showed Americans that people could fly...
    1. in September of 1808;
    2. in September of 1906;
    3. in September of 1908;
    4. in September of 1996.
  10. You could describe Icarus as...
    1. a silly man;    
    2. having flown successfully;
    3. having built a glider;
    4. a mythical character.


Читання, 11 клас

ROUND II.    Reading Comprehension Test.  


Text 1

The largest lake in the western United States is the Great Salt Lake, an inland saltwater lake in northwestern Utah, just outside the state capital of Salt Lake City. Rivers and streams feed into the Great Salt Lake, but none drain out of it; this has a major influence on both the salt content and the size of the lake.

Although the Great Salt Lake is fed by freshwater streams, it is actually saltier than the oceans of the world. The salt comes from the more than two million tons of minerals that flow into the lake each year from the rivers and creeks that feed it. Sodium and chloride — the components of salt — comprise the large majority of the lake's mineral content.

The Great Salt Lake can vary tremendously from its normal size of 1,700 square miles, depending on long-term weather conditions. During periods of heavy rains, the size of the lake can swell tremendously from the huge amounts of water flowing into the Salt Lake from its feeder rivers and streams; in 1980 the lake even reached a size of 2,400 square miles. During periods of dry weather, the size of the lake decreases, sometimes drastically, due to evaporation.

Task 1: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):

1.  The passage is NOT telling about...

  1. the location of the lake;
  2. the formation of the lake;
  3. the reasons for saltiness;
  4. the size of the lake.


2.  The word "drain" means:

  1. walk;  
  2. stop;
  3. flow;
  4. cross.


3.  According to the passage, the size of the lake depends on ...

  1. one reason;
  2. two reasons;
  3. three reasons;
  4. four reasons.


4.  It may be inferred from the passage that...

  1. the water leaves the lake through some underground passages;
  2. the water evaporates intensively from the surface;
  3. the water only feeds the lake without leaving it;
  4. there is no water at all but a saline and mineral solution.


5.  The lake is salty because ...

  1. salty rivers flow into it;
  2. its bottom is made of salt;
  3. salt is not carried out of the lake;
  4. it is a part of an ocean.

Читання, 11 клас.


Reading Comprehension Test.

Questions 6 through 10 refer to Text 2.


Text 2

People are often surprised to learn just how long some varieties of trees can live. If asked to estimate the age of the oldest living trees on the Earth, they often come up with guesses in the neighbourhood of two or perhaps three hundred years. The real answer is considerably larger than that, more than five thousand years.

The tree that wins the prize for its considerable maturity is the bristlecone pine of California. This venerable pine predates wonders of the ancient world such as the pyramids of Egypt, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and the Colossus of Rhodes. It is not nearly as tall as the giant redwood that is also found in California, and in fact it is actually not very tall compared with many other trees often little more than five meters in height. This relatively short height may be one of the factors that aid the bristlecone pine in living to a ripe old age—high winds and inclement weather cannot easily reach the shorter trees and cause damage. An additional factor that contributes to the long life of the bristlecone pine is that this type of tree has a high percentage of resin, which prevents rot from developing in the tree trunk and branches.


Task 2: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):


6.   The best title for this passage would be.

a) The Size of the Bristlecone Pine.

b) Three-Hundred-Year-Old-Forests.

c) The Wonders of the Ancient World.

d) An Amazingly Enduring Tree.


7.   The expression "in the neighborhood of" could best be replaced by:

  1. of approximately;
  2. on the same block as;
  3. with the friendliness of;
  4. located close to.


8.   It can be inferred from the passage that most people:

a)  are quite accurate in their estimates of the ages of trees;

b)  have two to three hundred trees in their neighborhoods;

c)  do not really have any idea how old the oldest trees on the Earth are;

d) can name some three-hundred-year-old trees.


9.   According to the passage, approximately how old are the oldest trees on the Earth?

  1. Two hundred years old;
  2. three hundred years old;
  3. five hundred years old;
  4. five thousand years old.


10. The word "venerable" is closest in meaning to which of the following?

  1. ancient;
  2. incredible;
  3. towering;
  4. unrecognizable.
Читання, 11 клас

Reading Comprehension Test.

Questions 11 through 15 refer to Text 3.

Text 3

The teddy bear is a child's toy, a nice soft stuffed animal suitable for cuddling. It is, however, a toy with an interesting history behind it.

Theodore Roosevelt, or Teddy, as he was commonly called, was the president of the United States from 1901 to 1909. He was an unusually active man with varied pastimes, one of which was hunting. One day the president was invited to take part in a bear hunt; and in as much as Teddy was president, his hosts wanted to ensure that he caught a bear. A bear was captured, clanked over the head to knock it out, and tied to a tree; however, Teddy, who really wanted to hunt actually, refused to shoot the bear and in fact demanded that the bear be extricated from the ropes; that is, he demanded that the bear be set free.

The incident attracted a lot of attention among journalists. First, a cartoon — made by Clifford K. Berryman to make fun of this situation — appeared in the Washington Post, and the cartoon was widely distributed and reprinted throughout the country. Then, toy manufacturers began producing a toy bear, which they called a "teddy bear". The teddy bear became the most widely recognised symbol of Roosevelt's presidency.


Task 3: Questions (choose the correct letter a, b, c or d):


11. The topic of the passage probably is ...

  1. Theodore Roosevelt's activity;
  2. the episode from Theodore Roosevelt's life;
  3. the origin of a popular play thing;
  4. the history of one incident.


12. The word "pastimes" is closest in meaning to ...

  1. duties;
  2. hopes;
  3. jobs;
  4. hobbies.


13. The passage implies that Theodore Roosevelt was ...

  1. a poor hunter;
  2. a fair-play person;
  3. a good president;
  4. a faithful friend.


14. To make fun of the situation Clifford K. Berryman produced ...

  1. a photograph;
  2. a radio program;
  3. a drawing:
  4. a film.


15. The teddy bear toy witnessed about...

a)    US economic growth;

b)    lack of patriotism;

c)    shortage of toys in the US;

d)    Roosevelt's popularity in the country.


Творча письмова робота, 11 клас

ROUND III. Writing Comprehension Test.


1. What moral values do you believe should be cherished in modern society?

2. Education made us what we are. Comment on the importance of education in our changing world.

3. Tourism is one of the most developing industries nowadays. What kind of tourism do you think Ukraine should offer?


Усне мовлення, 11 клас

ROUND IV.  Speaking Comprehension Test.

Directions: In this Test you will choose from 20 topics to speak about. Each number corresponds to one topic. The number of your choice is the theme of your oral presentation. Take about a minute to collect your thoughts before you begin to speak on the topic.


  1. What does friendship mean to you?
  • What roles do your friends play in your life?
  • What qualities do you appreciate in friends?
  • Do you consider you have a true friend?


  1. What do you believe to be the greatest problems in today’s society?
  • Describe where you see them.
  • How would you suggest to do away with these problems?


  1. Celebrities have a lot of influence nationally and internationally.
  • What Ukrainian celebrity are you most proud of?
  • How does this person bring pride to your nation and culture?


  1. Ukraine is the nation made up of different traditions and cultural styles.
  • Describe these differences to a person who knows little of Ukraine’s diversity.
  • What traditions are you most proud of?


  1. What do you think are the keys to a healthy lifestyle?
  • How could you present your advice to get people of different ages to follow it?
  • Is it important to have a balanced diet?


  1. Many people believe that violence on television and in the movies is the cause of many today’s problems.
  • What is your opinion on this subject?
  • What measures should be taken to minimise the effect of violence on children?


  1. It is hard to imagine a world without all the modern conveniences we have become so accustomed to.
  • What do you think has been the most influential invention of all times? Why?
  • Where would we be without this invention today?


  1. You have a choice between living in one city for the rest of your life or moving to a new city every three years.
  • Which style of life would you choose?
  • Where would you live?


  1. What is the biggest problem you think young people face today?
  • Why do you choose this problem?
  • What do you think you can do about it?


  1. A teenager’s life can often be more difficult than their parents suspect.
  • What real problems do teenagers face today?
  • What can you say about the generation gap between you and your parents?
  • Do you feel that teenagers need to show more respect to older generations?


  1. Sports are played and televised all over the world.
  • Talk about one sport.
  • What attracts people to this sport?
  • What are its most exciting moments?


  1. Do you believe the arts are worth studying and necessary for a complete education?
  • How can the arts help in your life?
  • What kind of arts are you interested in?


  1. You will soon be finishing your studies at school and will continue your education at a higher educational institution.
  • What’s your dream profession?
  • What qualifications must you have to get this job?


  1. You are going on a trip to another country.
  • How would you plan your trip?
  • Where would you go?
  • Would you travel more for adventure, to learn or to see historical sights?


15. A foreign visitor has some days to spend in your country.

  • What landmarks would you recommend him to see? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.
  • Describe the most interesting delights of Ukraine.
  • Prove that your country is worth visiting.


  1. Mobile phones, chatting on the net and email have changed a lot about how people communicate.
  • Describe what forms of modern communication you use.
  • What negative impacts has the loss of face-to-face communication had?


  1. The Olympic Games are always a show of great skill and talent in sport.
  • What do you know about the history of the Olympic Games?
  • How are the Olympics different from other sporting events?


  1. An American visitor has come to spend six weeks in your town.
  • Give the American some information about your town, its history and features.
  • Tell the American some good places to shop, to eat, and to relax.


  1. What is your favourite thing to do when you are not in school?
  • Do you choose physical outdoor activities or things to do inside?
  • Do you like to be alone or with friends and family?
  • Is it important for people to make sure they have free time? Why?


  1. In the age of television and the Internet reading books is not as important as it once was.
  • People can learn as much by watching TV and using the net as they can by reading books.
  • Do you agree with the statement?


2014-2015 н.рік



                                                         8  КЛАС



Atlantis was an island that existed many thousands of years ago but no one knows where it was or even if it really existed.


Many people believe that Atlantis was the start of all civilizations, because the founders of Atlantis were half god and half human. Those people were clever and had a great culture. They created an advanced civilization and became a great naval power. The island contained gold, silver, and other precious metals. Numerous exotic plants and animals lived there.


Atlantis was first described by the Greek philosopher Plato in about 400 BC. He believed that it was destroyed over 9000 years before by a volcano and it was buried under the sea. Many people since Plato have argued that some of the people who lived on Atlantis escaped and went west – and there founded some of the great civilizations of South America, such as the Mayas and the Incas.


There have been many guesses about the location of Atlantis. Some say it was in the Atlantic ocean, where the Azores Islands are now, and that these islands are the mountain tops of the old Atlantis. Others say it was the island of Santorini in the Mediterranean, which was destroyed by a volcano in 1400 BC. More recently, divers have discovered buildings under the sea near the Bahamas, which they believe were made by people.


No one has solved the mystery of Atlantis, and we probably never will solve it.


Перевірка аудіювання

Task 1.




                Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F)


  1. The scientists are not sure Atlantis was a real island.        
  2. The people of Atlantis were probably intelligent.                      
  3. They were good sailors.                                                      
  4. Plato wrote about Atlantis 9000 years ago.                        
  5. Some people from Atlantis could reach South America.   
  6. Some people believe that Santorini was a mountain top of Atlantis.
  7. Divers have found human bones under the sea near the Bahamas.   


                                              Task 2.

                            Choose the correct answer A, B or C


1. The people of Atlantis probably were

A       half dog and half human.

B       half bird and half human.

C       half god and half human.


2. According to the text the people of Atlantis

A       built their own well-developed civilization.

B       represented space civilizations.

C       communicated with other civilizations.


3. The island was very rich because of

A       the international trade.

B       the natural resources.

C       the high technologies.


4. What fact was NOT mentioned in the text?

A       The island was home for rare wildlife.

B       They had an advanced art and culture.

C       There was a great capital city on the central island.


5. Plato believed Atlantis had been destroyed by

A       an earthquake.

B       a volcano.

C       a hurricane.


6. Those who escaped from Atlantis probably started civilizations of

A       Mayas and the Incas.

B       Greeks and Romans.

C       Babylon and Schumer.


7. The Island of Santorini was


A       in the Atlantic.

B       in the Mediterranean.

C       in the Arctic.


8. The mystery of Atlantis

A       will soon be discovered by scientists.

B       is only a beautiful legend.

C       can never be solved.


Творча письмова робота. 8 клас




1. Describe the way you dress at school and at home. Are you fond of the idea of wearing a school uniform?


2. Write about hobbies which are popular with children and adults. Which hobbies are the most expensive? Which hobbies are the cheapest? Which hobbies cost nothing at all?



3. Tell about your best friend. Why do people become friends?



Творча письмова робота. 8 клас

1. Describe the way you dress at school and at home. Are you fond of the idea of wearing a school uniform?

2. Write about hobbies which are popular with children and adults. Which hobbies are the most expensive? Which hobbies are the cheapest? Which hobbies cost nothing at all?

3. Tell about your best friend. Why do people become friends?



Читання. 9 клас





The Dickin Medal is a large, bronze medallion bearing the words “For Gallantry” and “We Also Serve” all within a laurel wreath. The ribbon is striped green, dark brown and pale blue representing water, earth and air to symbolise the naval, land and air forces. Instituted in 1943 by PDSA’s (Plan-Do-Study-Act) founder Maria Dickin, it acknowledges outstanding acts of bravery displayed by animals serving with the Armed Forces or Civil Defence units in any theatre of war, worldwide.

During the Second World War (1939-45), Maria Dickin was aware of incredible bravery displayed by animals on active service and the Home Front. Inspired by the animals’ devotion to man and duty, she introduced a special medal specifically for animals in war.Since 1943 the Dickin Medal has been awarded to animals serving with the military, police or rescue services for acts of bravery.

What is it awarded for?The PDSA Dickin Medal, recognised as the animals’ Victoria Cross, is awarded to animals displaying extraordinary intelligence or devotion to duty while serving or associated with any branch of the Armed Forces or Civil Defence Units. The PDSA Dickin Medal is the highest award any animal can receive while serving in military conflict.

The Medal has been awarded 64 times since 1943. The recipients comprised 32 pigeons, 28 dogs, three horses and one cat. The citations on the Roll of Honour's are a moving and unique insight into the role animals play in the service of man in times of war. For example, a pigeon GI Joe was awarded in August 1946 for making the most outstanding flight in World War II. Making the 20 mile flight from British 10th Army headquaters, in the same number of minutes, it brought a message which arrived just in time to save the lives of at least 100 soldiers from being bombed by their own planes.

Theo, a bomb-sniffing springer spaniel, has been awarded the top prize for animal bravery. The prize was awarded posthumously on 25 October 2012. He was given the animal Victoria cross for saving soldiers' lives in Afghanistan where he worked with his handler to detect roadside bombs.

Sadly Theo and his handler Lance Corporal Liam Tasker died while on patrol in the country in 2011. The citations on Theo’s Roll of Honour'ssays ”For outstanding gallantry and devotion to duty … during conflict in Afghanistan September 2010 to March 2011”.The medal was accepted by Sergeant Matthew Jones and search dog Grace, who served with Theo and his handler Lance Corporal Tasker.

Task 1. Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F)


  1. Animals bravery award was introduced after the Second World War.
  2. The colours of the stripes on the ribbon symbolize birds, horses and dogs.
  3. Animals from all over the world can receive the Dickin Medal.  
  4. The Dickin Medal is the most important award for animals.        
  5. Every animal serving with the military, police or rescue services is awarded the Medal.   
  6. The Dickin Medal is known as animal Victoria Cross.                 
  7. The pigeon GI Joe served for Soviet Army during the Second World War.    
  8. Theo the dog and his handler were killed in Afghanistan.          


Task 2. Choose the correct answer A, B or C


1. The award can be given to any animal who


A         demonstrated extreme bravery and devotion

B         worked with the army, police or rescue service

C         acted bravely during military conflicts, police or rescue services


2. Animals took part in military activities


A         after the Second World War and in recent military conflicts

B         during the Second World War, after it and in recent military conflicts

C         before the Second World War and during it


3. According to the text


A         dogs have been awarded more than other animals

B         fewer dogs than birds were given the Medal

C         birds displayed bravery more often than dogs


4. The award honours the animals for


A         extraordinary brave behavior during army or civic service

B         their dedication to the handler

C         outstanding intelligence displayed in times of war


5. The Pigeon GI Joesaved at least a hundred soldiers from


A         being killed by the enemy forces

B         being attacked by their own air forces

C         being destroyed by the bombs


6. Theo, the spaniel, was trained


A         to sniff out bombs on the roads

B         to save soldiers’ lives on the battlefields

C         to destroy bombs on the tracks


7. Spaniel Theo’s award was accepted by


A         Theo himself and his handler

B         the dog Theo worked with and her handler

C         Theo’s handler and another search dog







History of а Flash Mob.

A flash mob is a group of strangers who organize themselves, using electronic media such as cell phones or the Internet, to gather together in a public place. They perform a pre-defined action, typically a brief dance, and disperse rapidly after the event has concluded.

Flash Mobs are an Internet phenomenon of the 21st century. A successful flash mob event depends on the element of surprise. Participants, called mobsters, share news about the time and place for an upcoming event through postings on, chain e-mail messages, SMS text messages and social networking sites such as Face-book and Twitter.

The organizers provide all necessary instructions for potential participants. This of course includes the date, time, and meeting point in the real world, as well as the action to perform, for example a video of the dance moves. An example of a worldwide Flash Mob is Thrill the World, a tribute to Michal Jackson. Since 2006 it has been held on the weekend before Halloween. Several years ago it was held in countries around the globe on Saturday, October 23rd, in an attempt to break a Guinness World Record.

Bill Wasik, senior editor of Harper's Magazine, orchestrated the first successful flash mob in June 2003, in the early days of social media. A group of 100 people received instructions to gather at Macy's department store in Manhattan. Further directions led them to the store's rug department, where they told employees they lived together and were shopping for a "love rug." Bill organized a number of successful flash mobs after that. However, it wasn't until June 2006, when Wasik published an article about his flash mobs in Harper's, that their source was publicly known.

The phenomenon has spread across the globe. Since then, flash mobs have been organized by many people, for many purposes, all over the world. The most famous and popular Flash mobs have included:

  • Zombie walks in various cities around the world.
  • Freezing at an exact same moment at the Grand central station in New York.
  • Mob pillow fights, known as Pillow Fight Club gatherings.
  • Black Tie Beach Parties, when people wearing tuxedoes, bow ties and party dresses go bathing in the sea and have fun on the beach.

For some time the Flash Mob movement received a lot of attention from the media. Subsequently, companies picked it up to use for advertisements. The T-Mobile Dance is a famous example. A large group dancing to music broadcast over the public address system in a London underground station, was created for a T-Mobile ad.

Flash Mobs are open to anyone to join. Would you like to participate in a Flash Mob? The best and most reliable way to find out about a Flash Mob are social media networks. Flash Mobs are out of the ordinary and simply fun. If you have a list of ‘Things To Do Before You Die’, being part of a Flash Mob should definitely be on it.


History of а Flash Mob. Перевірка аудіювання

Task 1.


                Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F)


  1. The first flash mob event took place in a shopping centre.           
  2. Flash mobs are always unexpected.                                               
  3. Participants of the flash mob meet in advance to have some practice. 
  4. Some flash mobs have become regular annual events.                 
  5. Michael Jackson contributed to the Flash mob Thrill the World.         
  6. Flash mobs are popular only in America.                                              
  7. Flash mob can help promote goods and services.                          
  8. Participants of flash mobs are selected by castings.                                    





                                              Task 2.

                            Choose the correct answer A, B or C


1.  Flash Mobs


A       usually happen online.

B       are initiated online.

C         are advertised in mass media.


2. Participants of the flash mob are called


A       moonstars

B       mobsters

C       monsters


3. Flash mob participants


A         perform spontaneous actions for a period of time.

B       do what the audience asks them to do.

C       behave in a predetermined manner for a predetermined amount of time.


4. After the Flash Mob participants of the event usually


A       quickly leave the location.

B       are taken to the police.

C       share impressions with the audience.


5. The organizer of the first flash mobs


A         became popular after the first event.

B         became known after he had discovered himself.

C       is the founder of social networks.


6. Flash mobs are


A       often strange and provocative.

B       produce a real danger to the public.

C       are held on public holidays.


7. Expression ‘Things To Do Before You Die’ in this text means


A       to do a number of  activities before you die.

B       to do things which are very risky.

C       to have an unforgettable life-time experience.




Творча письмова робота. 9 клас




1. Each day we learn a little more about the world around us. What discoveries of your own have you made?



2. Your town (village) is the best place to live. Why?



3. ’Everything is good in its season’. How much is this true about sports? Give your reasons.




9 клас



Do you enjoy parties? Are you a party person? What makes a good party?



What do you use to plan your time/working day (calendars, planners, a diary )?




How long do you spend online every day? What are your favourite websites and what do you download from the Net?



Is it easier for young people to have a good relationship with their grandparents than with their parents? Why? Why not?




What does the proverb ‘Knowledge is power’ mean for you?  Why do we need knowledge?





What opportunities for your English practice you have outside your classroom?



Do you use computer and the Internet? For what purpose do you mostly use your computer? Do computers create a new generation /a new world?




Many young people feel closer to their friends than to their families. Why? What about you?




One of the main reasons people study foreign languages is so they can travel around the world. What word or phrase do you think is the most important to know when traveling in a foreign country?  Why?




How do you find out what’s happening in the world? Do you think computers will replace newspapers and TV in the future?



’Everything is good in its season’. How much is this true about sports? Give your reasons.



How do you feel back in school after your summer holidays? Have you noticed any changes in your classmates, when you are back to school? Do you like them?



Everyone likes to relax in different ways.  Some people even have a special place that only they know about. What special place do you like to go to for relaxation? What does it look like? What do you do there?





Robots are no longer a part of the distant future but instead they are slowly being incorporated into daily life. Robots are designed to complete tasks more efficiently than humans. Would you ever purchase a robot? What would you want your robot to do for you? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living with robots?




What are the present trends in teenage fashion? Do you care?



A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country. Where should this visitor go on that day? What dishes should he or she eat? What souvenirs should the visitor take back to his or her country?




Nearly every nation in the world has its own flag, anthem, and emblem. Tell about Ukrainian national symbols.



Are exams necessary? How do you feel before taking exams?



You want to cook your favorite dish tonight for dinner. What is your favorite dish and what ingredients are found in your dish? What steps will you have to take to make the dish?





Some would say it is important to have many friends, while others would argue that it is better to have a small group of friends. Do you feel it is more important to have many friends or few? Why?



Читання.  10 кл.



Beneath the city streets that travellers walk on each day dark labyrinths of underground catacombs, are passageways to the past, to a time when the ghostly tunnels served as burial grounds for millions of people.

The catacombs of Rome, which date back to the 1st Century and were among the first ever built, were constructed as underground tombs, first by Jewish communities and then by Christian communities. In Ancient Rome, it was not permitted for bodies to be buried within the city walls. So while pagans cremated their dead, Christians, who were not legally allowed to practice their religion, turned to underground cemeteries, built beneath the land owned by the city’s few rich Christian families.

The use of catacombs in Rome expanded during the 2nd and 3rd Centuries, as the illegal religion of Christianity grew in popularity. But after Christianity was legalized, funerals moved above ground, and by the 5th Century, the use of catacombs as grave sites decreased, though they were still revered as sacred sites where pilgrims would come to worship. The Rome catacombs then fell victim to pillaging by Germanic invaders around the early 9th Century. As a result, relics of Christian martyrs and saints were moved from the catacombs to churches in the city centre.

Today, travellers from all over the world visit Rome to explore its 600 km network of catacombs, spread out over five storeys underground near the Park of the Tombs of Via Latina. Dedicated to Christian saints, they are adorned with some of the earliest Christian artwork in the world, dating back to the 2nd Century, featuring paintings on the tunnel walls that depict ancient life.  

Centuries later in Paris, catacombs emerged as a creative and discreet solution  to a dire public health problem. In the late 18th century, mass graves in the now closed Saints Innocents Cemetery, were overcrowded with improperly disposed of bodies, creating unsanitary conditions that led to the spread of disease. Saint Innocents was shut down, and then the Paris police moved all the remains buried in the cemetery to an underground network of ancient limestone quarries – the now infamous Catacombs of Paris, located south of the former city gate.

The eerie tunnels -- a significant portion of which is open to the public as a museum - took on other uses over the course of history. During World War II, for instance, some sections became hideouts for French Resistance fighters, while other areas were converted by German soldiers into bunkers. Today, Paris’s nearly 300 km of catacombs lie 30m under the ground’s surface and still house the remains of around six million people.

The world’s longest network of underground tunnels, extending more than 2,400km, can be found in Odessa, Ukraine, where the catacombs were formed around the 1830s as a result of limestone mining. As in Paris, the tunnels were used as bunkers and hideouts by soldiers during World War II, and a portion of the catacombs is open to the public via the Museum of Partisan Glory.

The catacombs of Malta are designated as a World Heritage Site for their role in Paleochristian history. Carved from the rock underneath the city of Rabat, likely beginning around the 3rd Century, the tunnels show how rural family burials took place among Christian, Jewish and Pagan communities. The complex network of passageways provided graves for 1,000 people and extended over about 5,700sqkm.

In Alexandria, Egypt, the Catacombs of Kom el-Shoqafa were originally built for just one rich family around the 2nd Century, but eventually housed more 300 mummies. Open to the public, the three-story tomb about 30m under the ground, features elaborate carvings illustrating scenes from Egyptian mythology, including one relief depicting the jackal-headed god, Anubis.

revere v. feel deep respect or admiration for something

pillage v. rob (a place) using violence, esp. in wartime.


Task 1. Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F)



  1. Roman catacombs preserve early wall paintings describing the life of Christian saints.                                                                                             
  2. Early Christians cremated bodies of the dead.                                             


  1. Early Christians stopped using the catacombs as graveyards after their religion was legalized.                                                                                


  1. Rome catacombs were robbed by the invaders.                                
  2. Catacombs in Paris helped to spread infectious diseases.                        


  1. Odessa catacombs were used as a hiding place by partisans during the Second World War.                                                                                     


  1. Ancient  catacombs are open to public at present.                            


  1. Catacombs in Egypt were initially constructed for private use.         


Task 2. Choose the correct answer A, B or C


1. According to the text all of the catacombs


A       used to serve as ancient cemeteries.

B       are connected with early history of Christianity.

C       provide a great way to travel back in time and explore history.


2. It is mentioned in the text that


A       Catacombs in Malta are the longest known in the world.

B       Odessa catacombs are older than Paris catacombs.

C       Catacombs in Rome have more than one underground level.


3. Early Christians used catacombs because


A       their religion was forbidden.        

B       it was not allowed to bury the dead on the territory of the city.

C       they were owned by rich Christian families.


4. Which catacombs were used by the three religious comunities


A       in Rome and in Paris.

B       in Rome and in Malta.

C       in Rome and in Egypt.


5. In the 18th century Paris catacombs

A       were a creative ground for artists.

B       were overcrowded by the massive burials.

C       replaced traditional burying place.


6. During the Second World War catacombs in Paris served


A       partly to conceal fighters of French Resistance, partly to hide German army.

B       to prevent the refugees of concentration camps from being captured.

C       as a bunker for the French army.


7. In general, what is present day significance of the famous catacombs?


A       they provide extra burial places for millions of people.

B       they are interesting tourist attractions.

C       they are sanctuary places for modern pilgrims.



                                                          10  КЛАС

                             THE MOBILE PHONE — FRIEND OR FOE?


The mobile telephone market is the largest consumer electronics segment ever. So, we should consider mobile phones as not just a technological marvel but a social phenomenon. What effect are mobile phones having on society?


Many of the millions of messages exchanged between these high-tech devices are not in the form of speech, but in the form of the written word. The Short Message Service allows phone users to type and send brief messages to each other. Because communicating in this way requires typing a message on the phone’s tiny keypad, SMS devotees use an abbreviated form of language that combines letters and numbers to make word sounds.


Some social commentators worry that the mangled spelling and syntax used in SMS messages is harming the literacy skills of young ones. Others disagree, stating that the SMS phenomenon is spawning the revival of writing in a new generation and giving the opportunity to develop a whole new style of language. In fact, the combination of text messaging and the internet means young people are doing a lot more writing. They have to be fluent and articulate enough to pick up the style and master the in-words and the code of the genre.


While mobile phones are a useful tool both for socializing and for conducting business, they might make employees feel chained to the office. Workers feel pressured to be available, either to their employers or to clients, at all times, no matter where they are or what they are doing, which can disturb the people around them. In response, engineers have developed a building material for use in restaurants and theaters that can block out mobile-phone signals.


More than just creating annoying intrusions, these ubiquitous gadgets have the potential to become a public enemy. A Canadian study found that using a mobile phone while driving is as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol, because holding a conversation on the telephone is considerably more difficult than just talking with a passenger in the car. Even using hands-free devices does not eliminate the risk of getting into a traffic accident.


Another danger of mobile phone is that it is so addictive. Young people appear to view their mobile phones as parts of their bodies and may even start to panic if they are separated from their phones. In fear of being cut off from others, many keep their gadgets on all the time, everywhere. If they do not receive any messages on their mobile phones, they feel uneasy and irritable, and start to feel they are not needed by anybody. This uneasiness impels them to answer all incoming text messages immediately, which is often not necessary.


Ironically, mobile phone addiction can harm normal communication skills. Experts are worried that because of excessive use of mobile phones children are losing the ability to interpret the facial expressions, behavior and tones of voice of others. A consequence of this is increased aggressiveness among children, coupled with a disregard for others’ feelings.


Of course, mobile phones can be beneficial. Actually, they have often proved invaluable in emergency situations. Even casual use of mobile phones is not necessarily wrong, as long as this is done in a balanced way. It seems inevitable that our reliance on these gadgets will grow in the future. Like its electronic cousins—the TV and the personal computer—the mobile phone has the potential to be either a useful slave or a demanding master. The power to determine whether it becomes friend or foe is literally in the hands of the user.


mangle, v.  – damage, spoil

spawn , v. – to generate, give rise to sth.

articulate, adj. – able to produce speech that is clear and easy to understand

in-word, n. – a word popular at a particular time, usually not for long

ubiquitous, adj. – omnipresent, seeming to be everywhere




Перевірка аудіювання

Task 1.


Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F)


  1. People spend more money on mobile phones now than on any other electronic device in the past.                                                                          
  2. While texting, people often use shortened forms of the words.                  
  3. These days, young people don’t write as often as before the mobile phone era.                                                                                                
  4. A new construction material has been developed so that to prevent people using mobile phones in public places.                                                   
  5. The text recommends using a hands-free device instead of a hand-held phone while driving as a way to avoid road accidents.                 
  6. Fear to turn the phone off is a sign of mobile phone addiction.                  
  7. Children who prefer mobile phones to face-to-face communication are able to communicate more successfully in general.                                
  8. Mobile phones have often been extremely useful in unexpected and dangerous situations.                                                                             
  9. The author believes that mobile phones should be used only in case of emergency.                                                                                                  
  10. People will become less dependent on their mobile phones in future.                 


Task 2.

Choose the correct answer A, B or C


1. The main idea of the text is

A      Children shouldn’t be allowed to use mobile phones.

B       The mobile phone is a useful tool for conducting business.

C       Mobile phones have an impact on the society.


12. Using a mobile phone while driving is

A      less dangerous than drunk driving.

B       just as dangerous as drunk driving.

C       more dangerous than drunk driving.


13. Children that use mobile phones too often are likely to

A      learn to use them in a balanced way.

B       pay less attention to other people’s feelings.

C       get tired of answering all text messages immediately.


14. If a mobile phone user answers all the messages immediately, he/she probably has

A      good communication skills.

B       a good command of the keypad.

C       a fear of rejection.


15. The author comes to the conclusion that

A      It depends on the user whether the mobile phone will be useful or        harmful.

B       Mobile phones are more useful than personal computers.

C       We should try to use mobile phones less often.




Творча письмова робота. 10 клас




1. Television and computers have destroyed communication among friends and family. Agree or disagree with the statement.


2. Would you ever consider living permanently in a country other than your home country? Why or why not?



3. What do you think parents can do to help teenagers avoid depression?







10 клас



How much do you know about your parents` and grandparents youth? Is it really useful to learn such stories?



What music festivals are there in your country? Have you ever been to one? Would you like to go to one?




“Look before you leap” is a popular saying. Is it important to think before you act in every situation?



Learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree?




How can you prepare before you talk to your parents about something important?





Parents often have certain expectations of their children regarding their education, career, and life choices. Do you think it is more important to listen to your parents or follow your heart?




Where do you wish you were right now? What do you wish you were doing?




Each country has different rules of etiquette and behavior. Why is it important to respect the rules of etiquette in a foreign country? Are there any common rules of etiquette in Ukraine that you believe are outdated?




What do you wish were different about your life?



 Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use examples and specific reasons to support your answer.



A hero is traditionally a person who, in the face of danger, adversity or weakness, displays courage and the will for

self sacrifice for some greater good for humanity.

What traits define a hero for you?  Does being in the right place in the right time make a hero or are people born that way?  Who is your hero and why do you look up to them?




Everyday millions of people visit video-hosting sites such as YouTube.

Why have these sites become so popular?  Do you or someone you know watch these clips?  What kind of clips do you watch and why? How do these clips influence society? Give examples.




Imagine that you are a newspaper reporter. You have the opportunity to interview any person in the world. Who would you choose to interview? How has this person influenced people’s lives? What three questions would you ask first?




 Imagine you have the power to see the future. What advantages and disadvantages accompany this gift? What responsibilities come with this gift? Would you make the knowledge of your ability public? Why or why not?




The expression “Never, never give up ” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Agree or disagree with this statement. Give examples to support your answer.



Reading books is the best way to learn and to rest, they say. In your opinion, what is the most interesting genre of books? Explain what makes it more interesting to you than the others.




Do you want people to accept you as you are or you want to change some character traits in yourself?



Where do you wish you could go on your next vacations?



Fantasy books such as the Harry Potter and Twilight series have been very popular for some years now. Why do people like fantasy books? Are they targeted to one age group?  If you could bring a character from a fantasy book to life, who would it be and why?




Lately there has been a lot of discussion about environmental problems and how they are harmful to both society and the health of our planet. Do you agree that we live on a “sick” planet? What environmental problems affect your community and what is being done to alleviate them? Do you think pollution is a just price to pay for better standards of living?



Читання.  11 клас


The first International Games for disabled people were held in 1948 for those with spinal cord related injuries and swimming quickly became one of the most popular Paralympic sports. Swimming is hard enough as it is. Now imagine doing it without the use of your legs or even your arms.

At the Paralympic Games swimmers compete in events ranging from 50m to 400m. The first athlete to touch the electronic finishing pad at the end of the pool in each race is the winner. Whilst the start for all swimmers is crucial, a false start will result in disqualification. Judges will also be looking closely that stroke and turning techniques are legal. Good stroke technique can make the difference between winning and losing, as will making fast turns and a good finish.

Physically impaired swimmers are assessed for their functional ability both on land and in the water, and then observed in competition. They are then given “S” classification for freestyle, backstroke and butterfly. The Classification groups are as follows: physically impaired classes: S1 to S10; visually impaired classes: S11, S12, S13; learning disabilities class: S14. The lower the “S” number the more severely impaired the swimmer. Swimmers are assessed for their functional ability and compete against swimmers within the same classification.

For all events getting a good start is paramount. Different events have different starts, either by diving in or starting in the water. In Paralympic competition aided starts are allowed, such as from standing beside the podium, from a sitting position in the water or having assistance with balance while on the podium. In no cases may this allow an unfair advantage.

Visually impaired swimmers wear blackened goggles to ensure that competition is fair. Goggles are removed at the end of the race and checked by an official. They each have someone acting as a ‘tapper’, who uses a pole to tap the swimmer when they approach the wall, indicating when they should turn or end the race.”

A few short weeks after the 2012 Olympic Games London was in full swing again only to host the 2012 Paralympics. One of the first events of these Paralympic Games proved why it was going to be a display of 'superhuman' abilities. The athletes, who are missing limbs, were in no shortage of determination and competitive drive.

Iaroslav Semenenko of Ukraine competed on the first day of the swimming program and won his heat. More impressively, the 25-year-old Paralympian did so without arms. He completed the swim more than two seconds ahead of the second place swimmer Sebastian Iwanow from Germany.

For 100 meters, Semenenko propelled himself forward using only his legs in a relentless two-legged kick. Speaking from experience, the style of kick he uses is unforgiving. Your legs and abs burn after only 25 meters. Having the endurance to maintain a strong pace kicking like that is a ‘superhuman’ feat of its own, but there was more to his race than that.

Arms are used for more than just moving forward in a race, they are also used to hold onto the blocks during the start and to throw your body into the wall for the finish. In order to do a proper start from the wall, Semenenko was held in position by a coach until the sound of the start.

Semenenko never slowed down as he came into the wall for his finish. Instead of gently gliding into the wall to press the timer, he did every backstroker’s worst nightmare: he slammed his head full speed against the wall in order to clock in his time. Semenenko didn’t limit himself to just the backstroke. He also swam the 50 meter freestyle, butterfly and breaststroke, each time finishing with a head smash against the wall.

He really is the Superhuman: Ukrainian swimmer finished heat well ahead of other backstroke rivals... despite not having any arms.


Task 1. Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F)


  1. The first Paralympic Games were held before the Second World War.       
  2. Paralympic races in the pool are conducted over a variety of distances.
  3. The swimmer greatly benefits from his perfect race technique.                    
  4. Class difference between groups is not taken into account.                         
  5. Coach’s assistance is illegal at Paralympic swimming events.            
  6. Semenenko beat his nearest rival by two seconds.                              
  7. Semenenko had to reduce his speed at the finish.                               
  8. Semenenko qualified for only one style of swimming.                                   


Task 2. Choose the correct answer A, B or C


1. According to the text


A       swimming became a favourite event ever since the first Paralympics.

B       swimming was too hard for the disabled sportsmen to cope with.

C       swimming excluded participation of sportsmen with missing body parts.


2. The reason for disqualification can be


A       coach’s help at a start.

B       insufficient swimming technique.

C       early start.


3. According to the Paralympic classification of swimmers’ impairment


A       Class 10 indicates the lowest level of ability to carry out kicks and turns in the pool.

B       Class 10 suggests having more severe physical injuries than class 1.

C       Class 1 has the greatest impact on their ability to perform strokes.


4. Disabled swimmers at the London Paralympics were


A       short of confidence.

B       full of determination.

C       very nervous.


5. To perform a good start Ukrainan athlete had to


A       be held by his coach in the water.

B       use a special equipment.

C       refer to the judge’s assistance.


6. Semenenko’s style of kicking is


A       traditional.

B       extremely backbreaking.

C       inappropriate for quick race.


7. What technique did Semenenko use to hit the electronic finishing pad?


A       he carefully glided into the wall and pressed the timer.

B       he banged his head on the edge of the pool to hit the timer.

C       he pulled the clock of the timer at full speed.


                                                         11  КЛАС


                                   STRESS—ITS CAUSES AND EFFECTS

WHAT is stress? According to one expert, stress may be defined as any physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Does this mean that stress is inherently harmful? No. As it has been observed, a mild degree of stress and tension can sometimes be beneficial. Feeling mildly stressed when carrying out a project or assignment often compels us to do a good job and to work energetically. So when is stress a problem? It is only when stress is overwhelming, or poorly managed, that its negative effects appear.


Let us now consider some common sources of stress. A report from the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work stated that workers are often stressed on their jobs because, among other things, there is poor communication between management and employees, management gives workers little say in decisions that affect them, there are conflicts with fellow workers, or there is job insecurity or inadequate pay.


Whatever the reasons, coping with the strains of the workplace may leave working parents with little energy to deal with the demands of their families. And those demands can be enormous. In the United States, for example, during a one-year period, some 50 million people provided care for an ill or elderly family member. Financial problems can also be a potent source of family stress: when you do not have the money to cover all the expenses in the home, it affects your mood.


Single parents likewise face high levels of stress as they try to meet the needs of their families. Getting up early to prepare breakfast, dressing children and dropping them off at school, rushing to be at work on time, and then dealing with the demands of a job may leave a single parent physically and emotionally exhausted. And when a mother’s workday is done, another cycle of stress is set in motion as she hurries off to pick up her children from school, fix dinner, and care for household chores.


Many young people also experience high levels of stress. They must deal with the physical and emotional changes of puberty. There are also the pressures of school. The typical school day is fraught with problems and pressures creating stress—in studies, sports, in peer relationships and in interchanges with teachers.


In some areas the threat of school violence adds to feelings of anxiety—not to mention the fears many youths now have of terrorist attacks and other disasters. “If parents are constantly talking about how scary the world is right now,” writes one teenage girl, “it’s going to make us scared.”


Parents should be a source of strength for their children. But all too often, efforts by children and teens to communicate intense feelings are minimized, denied, rationalized, or ignored by parents. In some cases parents are immobilized by their own marital tensions. Physical fights and verbal altercations are not the only causes for trauma. Suppressed resentment that transmits itself even when masked by nice words unsettles children as well.


Whether you are young or old or the stress in your life comes from work or school, chronic stress can take a heavy toll on your health. The stress response of the body is somewhat like an airplane readying for take-off. When you feel stress, your heart rate and blood pressure soar. Your levels of blood sugar rise. Hormones are released. If stress becomes persistent, all parts of the body’s stress apparatus (the brain, heart, lungs, vessels, and muscles) become chronically over- or under-activated. This may produce physical or psychological damage over time.


Of particular concern is the unhealthy way in which many — especially young ones — try to cope with stress. In their desire to escape from pain, some teenagers take routes such as alcohol and drug abuse, truancy, delinquency, sexual promiscuity, aggression and violence, and running away from home — routes that lead them into problems more overwhelming than those they were trying to escape.


Stress is a fact of modern living; it cannot be avoided entirely. You can, however, learn to cope with it. If you are under stress, suffering in silence may only make you feel more pressured. Confide your feelings and worry to some level-headed person who is likely to understand and care. It takes effort to practice healthy communication. But doing so can help you minimize stress.


fraught with sth – full of problems, difficulties or things that are confusing

soar – increase quickly




Перевірка аудіювання



Task 1.


                Mark these sentences True (T) or False (F)


1. Any degree of stress threatens our physical or emotional well-being.   


2. Workers can be stressed when their employers do not invite them to discuss important matters.                                                                                  

3. Coming home after the working day does not give parents a break from stress.


4. The single parents who experience more stress at work are better prepared to cope with stress at home.                                                                

5. Growing up is a stress factor for young people.                                             

6. The parents can help their children to minimize stress if they frequently tell them about the dangers of modern life.                                               

7. If the relations between the parents are tense, they can hide their real feelings in front of the children to protect them from stress.                                             

8. For young people, school provides the best shelter from stress.            


9. Chronic stress can damage the immune system.                                    

10. The more you talk about your worries, the more stressed out you become.


                                             Task 2.

                            Choose the correct answer A, B or C


  1. What statement best expresses the main idea of the text?

A     Some people suffer from stress more than others.

B     Stress is an inevitable part of our lives.

C     Teachers should help children to cope with stress.

  1. Stress can be defined as

A     Any factor that causes physical or psychological tension.

B     A harmful influence of problems at work or school.

C     A condition when the body’s stress apparatus becomes chronically over-activated.

  1. Among the sources of stress at work, the author mentions

A     Too short lunch breaks.

B     The fear to lose the job.

C     Irregular payments.

  1. The author is worried about the fact that

A     the risk of terrorist attacks has increased over the recent years.

B     when people feel stress, their heart rate and blood pressure soar.

C     young people can choose wrong ways to deal with stress.

  1. To cope with stress, the author recommends:

A     talking things over with a mature friend.

B     checking your heart rate and blood pressure.

C     delinquency, truancy and verbal altercations.


Творча письмова робота. 11 клас




  1. People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


2. It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Write an article to the local newspaper.


3. Do you think that punishment for violent crimes should be the same for juveniles and adults? Why/why not?





11 клас



Imagine you have a magic mirror that allows you to see anything in the world. What would you choose to see? What would you do with this information? What could be dangerous about someone having access to such a powerful tool?





Awards and prizes are given for excellence in various fields. Do these awards and prizes serve a useful purpose? What kind of award would you give to your teachers/parents?




What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.



Give some reasons on the following – psychologists say that people who laugh more – live more. What makes scientists think so? What do you think of this problem?





Imagine that the fountain of youth has been discovered, giving eternal life to those who drink from it. If you could choose one notable living person to live forever, who would it be? Why would you choose this person? How would their eternal presence influence the future? What would be the positive and negative effects on society as a whole?





Shakespeare wrote, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” Interpret this statement.   Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why or why not? How does this quote apply to your own life?





Some people prefer to get up early in the morning and start the days` work. Others like to get up later in the day and work until late at night. What about you?




People work because they need money to live. What are the other reasons that people work? Can work be a pleasure?




Some films are serious, designed to make the audience think. Other films are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which do you prefer? Tell about your favourite film.



 There are some popular stories about humans being much smaller or much larger than normal. If you had to, would you rather be a miniature person or a giant? What would you do differently when you were your new size?



Imagine an ideal world, in which everything is exactly the way you want it, and you can do whatever you like. Describe an ideal school in your ideal world.



What makes a good teacher? How do you think – is appearance and style of clothing important for the teacher? What inner qualities must a teacher possess?




Games are as important for teens as they are for children. What kind of games do you prefer to play? Why?




Describe the “house of your dreams.” What is your favorite room and what is in it?

Where in the world would your house be located?





“Social networks like VKontaktе and Facebook help us better understand one another.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain. How is online communication different from communicating in person? If you had to choose between communicating online and communicating in person for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?




People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life: some people read, some exercise, others work in their gardens. What is the way you reduce stress?



If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why?



Many people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?



 Many people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Give examples.



Which is more important for success: the natural ability you are born with or hard work? Explain your opinion, using specific reasons and examples.